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Your Ultimate Guide for Healthy Living with Ayurveda
Kapha Dosha – Responsible for all Structure & Lubrication in the Body
Kapha is the Dosha responsible for lubrication and structure of the body. Kapha people tend to be the healthiest of the three doshas,...
Pitta Dosha – Responsible for all Metabolism in the Body
Pitta Dosha controls digestion, metabolism and transformation. Pitta is the heat that transforms food, thoughts and physical exertion...
Vata Dosha – Responsible for all Movements of the Body
Vata Dosha governs movement in the body, the activities of Nervous System and the process of elimination. First, if Vata becomes...
Sitkari Pranayam (Cooling Breath)
Like Sitali, Sitkari is also a breath cooling technique that removes excess heat from the body. It also cures diseases like acidity,...
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